Dryer Master

Dryer Master Support Centre


At Dryer Master, support is only a phone call away. In North America you can reach us toll free at 1-888-318-0009. From other locations please use 519-725-4700. You can also reach us by email at info@dryermaster.com.


Celebrating our 40th Anniversary

To celebrate, we're giving away a free year of DM Mobile. We have also updated our DM Mobile software with added system security. To get your new DM Mobile software and this year’s subscription on us, simply:


Call us at 1-800-265-2757, or

Fill out this form


Our most commonly asked support questions are listed below:


Moisture Sensor Related


The sensor is reading "Empty".
Ensure that there is in fact product next to the sensor, and that the sensor is fully covered. It does happen that things can get hung up above or on the sensor resulting in the sensor being not fully covered by grain. In these cases the sensor can read empty, or give an unusually low moisture reading. If it is a brand new sensor, make sure that the "remove after installation" jumper on the circuit board has been removed.
The sensor voltage is reading full scale.
New sensors are shipped with a shorting jumper to protect the sensor. After installation this jumper needs to be removed. There is a yellow tag attached to the jumper that says "remove after installation". If the jumper is not removed the sensor voltage will read full scale on the diagnostics screen (although the DM510 main screen will display an "empty" message).
The product temperature reads "Frozen".
There is likely a problem with the temperature sensor on the sensor. Contact the Support Center for more information.
What is the proper calibration procedure for the outlet sensor?
We recommend the following procedure for use on a DM510 with a calibration button.
1. Go to the outlet sensor and make sure product is flowing past the sensor.
2. Press the green calibration button. It will flash for 30 seconds.
3. While it is flashing take a gradual sample into a bucket, at least enough to do 4-5 manual tests.
4. In your manual tester test three samples from the bucket. Calculate the average reading.
5. On the DM510, press the Calibrate button, and then #2 for the outlet sensor.
6. The screen will display the DM510 reading calculated during the 30 sdseconds when the light was flashing.
7. Enter your reading.
8. The DM510 will calculate its required adjustment.
How do I calibrate the inlet sensor?

We know that for most sites it may be very difficult to get a good test moisture sample of the inlet grain. As a result the DM510 uses the change in the inlet moisture for its calculations. If you are within 1.5% or so of your estimated inlet moisture reading then you do not need to calibrate.


To calibrate, press the calibrate button, select "Inlet", and follow the screen instructions. Remember the maximum change from any calibration entry is 0.5%. If you are in AUTO you will want to calibrate the inlet gradually as the DM510 will look on a calibration as a real moisture change and react accordingly.


Drying Control related


What does READY mean?

The Ready light goes on when three conditions have been met:

1) There are no alarms.

2) The outlet moisture is within 2.0% of the setpoint.

3) The predicted moisture is within 2.0% of the actual outlet moisture.


You can only go into AUTO when the Ready light is on. Before going to AUTO you should always verify that the suggested rate displayed on the screen is reasonable. If is not yet reasonable, you should wait until you feel it is reasonable before switching to Auto mode.
The DM510 is not going READY

On initial startup the DM510 may take up to three dryer loads to go Ready. Under normal day to day operating conditions it will go Ready much faster than this.


Check which of the three conditions to go Ready have not yet been met. For example, make sure that there are no Alarms. If the outlet moisture is too far from the setpoint try to bring it into range by adjusting the dryer discharge rate. If the predicted moisture is too far from the actual moisture, observe whether it is getting closer over time. If not, contact the Support Center.


What is the suggested rate?

When the DM510 is Ready for Automatic it will provide a "suggested rate" on the screen. This is the approximate rate at which the DM510 would run if you switched to Automatic control. The actual rate may be a bit different, and once in Automatic, the rate will continue to adjust.


If you want to see the suggested rate before the DM510 is Ready, press the Support key, then 1) Diagnostics, and then the Up Arrow twice. The displayed suggested rate will continue to change as the DM510 gets more information about how your dryer is drying.


When you start up for the day the DM510 does not have good current information about what is in the dryer. It does not know what has happened to that grain since you last turned off the dryer. So, for the first dryer load, the DM510 keeps its drying model from the previous drying session and uses this to determine the appropriate discharge rate. Once the first new grain for the day reaches the outlet of the dryer the DM510 again has good current information, and so start to use this information to update its drying model. At this point the AUTO FIRST LOAD message disappears.


In general, if your drying conditions are similar to the previous day, then AUTO FIRST LOAD model should still be accurate. However, if your drying conditions (temperature/humidity/wind) have changed significantly, then you would be advised to wait for a dryer load before switching to Automatic. As always, check that the "suggested rate" is reasonable before going into Automatic.

How do I see the predicted moisture?
On the DM510 panel, press the MODE key, and then #4 for Controller status. The DM510 is always predicting the moisture exiting the dryer and then comparing it to its estimate. The predicted moisture is the current estmate of the grain leaving the dryer. If it is different than the actual moisture the DM510 adjusts its model to try to bring its predictions into line with the actual readings. 
How do I set the maximum and minimum speeds for Automatic control?
On the DM510 panel, press the SETTINGS key. Then #1 for Supervisor Setup. The password is 123 then Enter. Press #1 for Control Limits. You can enter the maximum and minimum speeds you want to let the DM510 use in Automatic mode.


Remote Access related


The my.dryermaster.com web page says "not connected"  Dryer Master support page icon
This message displays because there is no current connection between the DM510 and the cloud server. In the video below we go through the most common ways to diagnose and correct the cause of the interuption.


I am not getting texts on alarms
First ensure that your phone number is entered in the required format. Since the text being sent to you will be a long distance text from us, it does require a country code (+1 for North America) before the number.


To avoid nuisance texts you can set a default time delay before a text is sent, if there is an alarm. Make sure you have selected a delay time (and not "never"), and then saved your choice.
How to add DM Mobile as an App on your phone

1. Ensure that you have no other Chrome pages open.
2. Open one single Chrome page.
3. Type “my.dryermaster.com” on the address bar (no "www"). Hit enter.
4. When the web page opens, click on the menu buttons on the top right-hand corner. The menu buttons look like three little dots on the top right corner of the screen.
5. The drop down menu will display.
6. Click on ‘Add to Home Screen’.
7. A pop up box will show up that says “Add to Home Screen - Dryer Master Mobile” Click on Add.
8. This will take you back to the main screen of your phone.
9. Locate the new DM Mobile App icon and click on it.
10. This will open the DM Mobile web page for you.
11. Enter your username and password that were provided with your DM510 manuals.
12. When you hit submit, there will be a pop-up box that asks if you’d like “Chrome to save the password”. Click on "yes".
13. Now you should be logged in to your dashboard.

1. First, clear all of your open safari pages. 
2. Go into Settings. 
3. Under General Settings, look for Safari.
4. Under Safari, please ensure that Autofill is turned on for Username and Passwords. 
5. Then go back to General Settings and look for Accounts and Passwords. 
6. Under Accounts and Passwords, DM Mobile should not be there. 
7. Close off all windows and come back to the main screen of the phone. 
8. Open a Safari page and type in “my.dryermaster.com” on the web address, however please do NOT put “www” in front of the address. 
9. Once the webpage opens, find the share icon on the phone screen.  
10. Click on the share icon, and look for “Add to Home Screen” option. 
11. Click on the “Add to Home Screen” option. 
12. An “Add” option box will pop up. Click “Add”.
13. This will take you back to the main screen of the phone’s home page. 
14. Look for the DM Mobile App icon on your phone's screens. 
15. Once, you find the app, click on it and it should take you to the DM Mobile home screen. 
16. Now, enter your username and password that were provided with your DM510 manuals.
17. Once you hit submit, there should be a pop up box that asks if you’d like Safari to save the password? Click ‘yes’. 
18. Now you should be logged in to your DM Mobile dashboard.